
What is the Rorschach test?

What is a humble brag?

Where does the word meme come from?

How many French words in English?

What is cognitive dissonance?

Where does the term brainstorming come from? Does it work?

What is a descriptivist? And a prescriptivist?

What is Moore's law?

What does it mean to sound off?

What is a bailout? Where does the word come from?

What is a troll?

What is mission creep? Where does the phrase come from?

Why are we “the giraffes of altruism.”?

What is a hipster? Key hipster words?

What is 'nudge' theory?

What is Game Theory? How did Jane Austen use it?

What is a Maven?

What is a descriptivist? A prescriptivist?

What is a metanarrative?

What does 'meta' mean? What is meta-language?