What is the longest word in English? on January 22, 2025 academy awards advanced vocabulary beautiful words disney longest word robert sherman Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious +
What is a curveball? on October 04, 2018 advanced vocabulary American English beautiful words curvedball Where does this word come from? baseball Word of the Day +
Word for admirer of American culture? on July 03, 2015 American English beautiful words CEF English Language Level C1 Why do we say ...? Word of the Day +
What is the key to good writing? on June 06, 2013 beautiful words CEF English Language Level C1 literature orwell reading style writing +
What is the most beautiful word in the English language? on June 04, 2013 beautiful words efl english language esol James Joyce ok vocabulary words +
Where does the word 'dude' come from? on March 21, 2011 advanced vocabulary beautiful words etymology Where does this word come from? Word of the Day +
The word for someone who admires American culture? on March 03, 2011 American English beautiful words CEF English Language Level C1 Why do we say ...? Word of the Day +
Which words are beautiful? And which ones ugly? on February 08, 2011 beautiful words english language trendy terms vocabulary +