
How fast is the English language expanding?

Most versatile word in English?

Words with the most separate meaning?

Which language has the most words?

Why do we say 'Good' Friday?

What is a 'ghost word'?

Language with the most words?

Where does the word OK come from?

Top 10 words with the most entries in the Oxford English Dictionary?

What is a hedge fund? And what does it mean to hedge your bets?

How many new words are entering the English language?

What is a metanarrative?

What does 'meta' mean? What is meta-language?

When does one woot?

English Language FAQ: The most common spelling errors in English?

The most common spelling errors in English?

What is 'the groove'? And groovy?

OMG! Why did the Oxford English Dictionary include OMG?

Is English an 'easy' language to learn?

Who manages the English language?